Image stolen from the mad mentals of R.K.Sloane
In the middle of a mini-renaissance of new music listening at the moment, mostly a result of moonlicking as a reviewer at Freq, the evergood fulcrum loined from Richard Fontenoy - a guy it turns out is good friends with some old Yeovil buddies and who I've also probably met way back in the times when I'd hump up the road to that London to watch The Revolting Cocks or whoever... small small world - ironically, I'd sent a chance email because I figured my own little Twitter/Blog circuit had become a little self reverential and I fancied dipping into another circle, only to find there are several tendrils coming this way and that way, like some terrible cross-haired Nyarlotho-step beat beast...
Anyway, my first 2 contributions are up at the Freq site now:
1) a doe-eyed Kraut's Corpuscle take on the new Mist album (c'mon... it's the guy from Emeralds, you know...)
2) a gulping shudder at the electronic pastoralism and arcane (device) buzz of John Chantler's The Luminous Ground
I've just got a bunch of other goodies through the post to review as well, including what is shaping up to be a Hawkwind-tastic classic by a Pikacyu from Afrirampo and Kawabata Makoto from Acid Mothers...

Finally, a slightly smeared lump of white vinyl goodness in the form of Ekoplekz's Live At Dubloaded album came and I've been listening to it while typing... sounds more restrained than other stuff I've got from Nick, not a million miles off the gentlest Throbbing Gristle stuff... the backside of In The Shadow Of The Sun...
...some great textures though, and some odd squeaks and whistles, some bent shapes in there, Nikolai, some way bent shapes...
I'm one side in, so far...probably should accumulate more thoughts before really committing to the page but... since, my first Ekoplekz review was real-time blagging/free-associating...
...these gulps and electronic groans seem like Nick's consciously trying to play himself out of a psychic corner; not give in to the pulse that I'll bet anything he can feel himself resisting... he's an old rave guy at heart and you can feel him holding back on the beats, conscious that he's always just a light teckstep to the left from balls-to-the-wall techno and wants to rein those tendencies the fuck in...
I'm guessing wildly here, it's just an impression... maybe this is partly a consequence of playing somewhere so bass and beaty, big and bouncy as Dubloaded? Maybe there's a need to counterpoint, or else just a desire to move away from the early CDrs and tapes (which Cabbed it up with all those neat washes and wah-wahed drum patterns and organ tinkles)...
...whatever the wresting and hand-wringing Ekoplekz has been up to (maybe none at all, maybe he's in the zone, is oblivious to even the rush of his own blood), he's pushing his machines in interesting directions... not resting on laurels, hardly resting at all... he's poured an awful lot out into the records he's released so far... the well must be getting dry... and it's interesting that, so far, ever release has been distinct, despite the relative sparseness of his raw materials...
where's he gonna go next?
is he gonna give in?
ekoplekz review seems slightly odd for reasons I can't quite place...
hahaha...should be easy to place: it's the random mutterings, nonsensical derivations and cod-psychologizing of someone who found himself in the uncertain position of reviewing someone he's mates with... strange that Nick, hasn't commented himself (unless this is him!) - maybe i've completely accidentally stumbled on some terrible psychological truth...
oh i'm pretty ambivalent towards this material, which, to put in some chronological context was recorded just a few days before you saw me play live on exotic pylon, and pre-dates nearly everything i recorded on memowrekz. i'm quite a long way past this now in terms of personal evolution.
its nothing more than a desperate, flailing first attempt at a live performance. but its that rickety, unstable aspect that people seem to find interesting, i suspect.
and, yes, Mr Kunt was me, mischievously recycling your recent tweet about my album review in the wire.
yesss... the ricketier the better; they love it; it's the instability, the derring-do! it's the lack of control...
It is an interesting music, I dont like much the style of the dude, but the music is very good.
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