...I can feel it coming; the Sun... I'm as cursed as a werewolf...
The Sun is rising; there's nothing I can do. Soon, i'll hear the drumming, the squiggles, the flipping 303s, the Terence McKenna samples, the spaaaace noises...
My Mind Is Going
With the Sun comes Psytrance, comes Goa... putting my Shame in Shamanic...
Here they come; faster now, crawling over the sunlit hills, through the woods, dragging everything out of the shadows, making everything gleam...
I'm gasping for breath just thinking about it, almost in tears as the Sun outside starts to burn, starts to drag the light from my computer monitor...
I'm listening to dubstep, honestly - that Spatial, great stuff, love it, degraded cybermen, Maldoror rising, sine wave speech, surbanity, profanity; a Burial for Rave, a requiem Mass... i'm there, as Catholic as the rest of them; stretching all the way from Delia Derbyshire (fuck that, from Pierre Henry, from John Cage) to Astral Social Club (actually, it's not that far), to The Caretaker (still not that far...), to...
I've tried the usual deprogramming techniques, tried the methadone programme of woozy, wonky post-everything Rave: stuff The Wire says is okay, even dipped all eleven toes into the mechanics of Zomby, trying to get a fix before it's too late.
Sublime Frequencies? Hell yeah... proper TRANCE innit? And I can see the linearity between, like, Tinawiren and Tuung, course I can, I'm Duchamping at the bit... it all makes perfect sense, slots together, makes new connections and drives things forward...

I can hear the drums, the rising synths, the breakdowns over the Blackdowns...
I can hear the samples calling:
From 2001, Blow, Star Trek, The Matrix, Excalibur, Merlin, Blade Runner...
The Sun is opening up another badly mistimed third eye. I want to resist. I want to.
I've never paid. I've never seen them deliberately. <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>
It's more abduction than capitalism; forced exposure, intimate haggling with my neurochemistry, a Burroughsian brain rape...

It's happened before and will always happen.
My reptile brain is churning.
Those female vocals...
The Sun comes out and my finely honed winter musical earbone get cracked. I'm gonna be blissed out with Psytrance and Goa; it's gonna happen. The more I resist the more I find myself in a field, confused, disorientated and drawn towards the tent with the little animated mushrooms... it doesn't matter what Festival I end up at, it's always the same - Marquee as Alien Abduction; the light will tear me apart.
Soon, I will be unrecognisable; dancing like a spastic in time, making my own Masonic Distres signals, a bag of elbows and pointy fingers...
we can imagine it only and feel only cant touch .
Excellent post. Bom Shankar!
I'm right there with you - front left hand speaker!
my God...it's a pandemic... I'm gonna start a support group: Stogursey Village Hall, 7.30, every other Wednesday.
Nice post! Really captures the otherworldly quality of the music. If you would like to hear more, come visit my site, Ektoplazm. I have a ton of free psytrance that you are welcome to download and experience :)
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Where did you get these awesome remixes, you actually got me with this stuff!
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