Well, I've had this for a little while as a personal link store and pure psychic automatism... but I figured it was time for a little more wrenching so yesterday I started this while waiting for the football to come on and already it seems to have a life of it's own...
From Crumb Duck. For those who normally can't bear my NWW nonsense, this is nowhere near as fruity as most Nurse releases and there's a reassuring musical touch to it's 13 or so minutes... if Stereolab had stopped making crap songs and only ever made good ones this is probably where they'd have gone: this is the Krautrock rip-offs that everyone accuses them of, only using Can as a model this time rather than Neu... it does dissolve somewhat round about the 11 minute mark into familiar NWW teritory but the sublime sublimations before then are practically rock...
And yeah, I know the picture is of Automating Volume 2 but that's there because I love that album (my first NWW - ahhhh), that cover and because I wanted to post a track from it but don't have a CD copy...
And because of the title obv.
O.K., so it's early on the 25th here in Los Angeles, world capitol of Smog and Stardust...and the Nurse With Wound download (posted by you at what appears to be yesterday morning "over there") is already unavailable over here.
What gives?
I stumbled onto your mp3 blog recently and am impressed by the commentary and stellar taste in music-- I only wish I were able to download more than one track from the entire page of listings.
Am I doing something wrong here with my Macintosh "Ctrl + Scroll to Download" formula to achieve aural bliss? Or is it sincerely a "blink and you will miss it" scenario in LokiLand?
well i think the yousendit files only have a limited no. of downloads but i think they were okay when you were trying... you do need to click onto the yousendit site i.e. you can't right-click download...
i could always send you a CD of Mp3s if you wanted to swap...
"A vunterful wooten ree-sun" (Faust)
It never hurts to display your Krautrock bona fides, kids.
Thanks for the DL this fine morning.
oh, simpleheadphonemind is one of my all-time fav nurse with wound collabs...
crayon spidddddderrrrrs crawlin'...
think this trk (re)appeared on the swinging reflective 2CD comp ... luv that regular chugging rhythm of Animal/Vegetable, and those off-kilter spanners in the works.
Stereolab never bettered that 'French disco' trk in my view (think that's what it was called or was it ping pong)???
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