15 September 2005

Doctor Who Cinema Party

Haven't been able to post much recently because we're in the midst of organising our soon to be 8 year old's Doctor Who party which entails: turning the conservatory into a cinema, complete with around 200 A3 posters all over the ceiling and walls; sticking hundreds of Doctor Who stickers on badly designed polystyrene plates and plastic cups, pulling our hair out during various ebay auctions - "must have that original 80s Dalek lampshade and the video of Dr Who and The Zygons, must have it... I mean, he must have that original 80s Dalek..." - and generally running around like two bags of elbows trying to get everything sorted. I swear, The Rolling Stones Tour Designers have less things to organise...

For a start, while sitting, just how big does a small child have to be to interfere with the projector?

Just how many Party Type Games can have Davros as a theme? We've already got 'push the wheelchaired boy into the Kaled swamp' and 'one-armed stick the death ray onto the Dalek' plus lots of spooky magic games that my Spiritualist Scots relatives used to freak me out with when I was a kid that can also be adapted a la Tardis Heart Power or something...

Anyway... go here for a site with loads of Dr Who Theme tunes from years gone by and join me in the mood...

Happy Birthday Little Loki!! (you'll never know how close you were to that being your real name...)


Psychbloke said...

Will you be adapting the whole thing for a carnival float a few weeks later?

the X said...

...and what with a life-sized, battery-driven K9 robot dog spreading fear and misery through the crowd?
muhhahhahahaha...(sorry, it must cost the same as a family car, so just joking really-)

Doctor who IS g*d...(!)
as pissed college students in 99 we spent comedowns after nights out in front of the TV with old Tom Baker reruns...Can't forget the horrendous fright of watching the mermen taking over some control room while the brain tried to trick me into thinking there were actually still larger flocks of mermen around us in the room, coming at us...augh!

Loki said...

well, we are in the midst of creating a life size Dalek - though it won't be ready for the party; at the moment it's just a base, a load of cut-in-half ball pool balls, a plunger, an egg whisk death ray and a box that used to contain a guitar...

Maybe by Carnival, Psychbloke.. in reckon the pics will still be up...no way we're taking them all off the ceiling by then...

As for my own private Dr Who trauma it's still those vacuum packed mummies from The Pyramids of Mars...

And we got the Zygons tape in time - hurrah!

I am not Kek-w said...

Yay-hey! Somerset Carnival Season is upon us! We really ought to do an "Idiots Guide" carnival float...but what would the theme be?

A mixed media Acid-Folk Doctor Who & The Daleks Vs Coil multi-parter tribute Lost done in the style(s) of Jack Kirby, Orson Welles and a Bristol Graf Artist. And featuring an enormous psylicybe mushroom, a can of Tennants Super and a child dressed as a packet of Silk Cuts Ultra.

Better get cracking, lads.

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