20 May 2005


More cracked and cracklings from Finland, I'm afraid. The sound of a happy pig roasting.

I'll get off this nonsense someday...

This is just here because I'm reading Riddley Walker at the moment some songs sound like the Littl Shynin Man the Addom pult in 2 lyk he wuz a chikken.

And I guess I'm attracted to that kind of thing at the moment. Finland seems much further away when you hear these songs - though oddly reminiscent of some of the Somerset villages around here where everyone shares an eyebrow tuft and has an eye that looks both ways.

Spredin circcles indeed.

Es - Track 8 (from Kaikkeuden kauneus ja käsittämättömyys

Taken from KRAAK

1 comment:

Psychbloke said...

Are, but is you dog frenly?

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