03 November 2004

Kinky Sex

Still no result but it looks like Bush will be putting his feet up right about now and digging out the Action Men...


Somehow, it seemed inevitable: the American public were given a choice between an angry alpha male ape who could reliably spit the dummy at the unseen horrors of Islam, perhaps exterminating the brutes once and for all and a thoughtful, considered, slightly wooden man who'd probably intellectualize the war on terror out of existence and potentially leave Americans hopelessly introverted and focusing on less tangible horrors like a fucked health care system and the disappearing rainforest.

The Republicans played the game well - focusing in on the collective reptilian brain, feeding basic primal paranoiac imprints, finding an easy enemy to identify and destroy. Alpha Arnie was on their side, spewing bile and shiver tales, making everyone think they needed protection at all costs and sending them scurrying towards the Daddy Archon, secure in the knowledge that this Bush guy was gonna try and take out the baddies.

He looks like an ape, he acts like an ape and deep in the collective unconscious he looks like he's standing on the crest of a hill, clubbing Bin Laden's boys with a thigh bone.

This track suddenly seems more chillingly, laugh-out-loudingly relevant than ever:

The Dead Kennedys - Kinky Sex Makes The World Go Round

Intellectuals aren't to be trusted and Kerry never really managed to shed his thought patterns. Yes, Bush is insane. Yes, Bush is a war-monger with an itchy trigger finger but he was easy to gauge, people knew that he wasn't thinking too hard. Kerry? Well he was altogether too complex; who knew what he really thought? Did he really understand that an all-encompassing Evil was just around the corner? Why didn't he talk more about killing Gooks with his teeth in Vietnam? Why didn't he at least pretend to hate the unheimlich other?

It looks like Kerry's blown it, and perhaps we'll all suffer the consequences. Now all there is left to do is to play my favourite Dead Kennedys track real loud and forget it ever happened:
The Dead Kennedys - Insight

After all, I have an i-pod now and so the world must be as happy as it seems.

1 comment:

Republic of Replicants said...

Also in Texas, I wonder if I should move. Considering I'm only part of the 38% that voted for Kerry here.

But yes, the choices were slim. Especially since both parties represented totally different extremes. Now, if there was someone running that was a compromise between the two... He might've won.

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