Looking for something else entirely - actually The Church of Raism lp - I came across an old tape of the Wiseblood album 'Dirtdish, a collaboration between Jim Foetus and Roli Mossiman of Swans.
The album itself is pretty good - Roli frames Jim in all the left-brained piano clankings and metal-machine poundings that he deserves, forging some kind of minimalist lounge-core / heavy metal aneurysm - but what really got me was a track I'd obviously taped at the end (a theme I'll return to) which sounds kinda like the music you listen to while driving ay 100mph towards a black brick wall; I'm not sure if it's by Wiseblood at all since there's no singing but it seems to lock into the kind of motorik accelerating groove and endlessly repeated looping guitar-type snarls that Wiseblood always seemed ready to unleash. I've looked around the net and think that maybe it's a b-side to one of the Wiseblood 12"s but nothing really rings any bells...
Anyone have any idea what it could be?
While you're thinking, have a little Wiseblood in your veins:
Maybe "death rape 2000" the b side of 12" Motorslug ...
I would tend to agree with the previous anonymous - from the description it sounds like Death Rape 2000, which is actually the riff from Motorslug repeated endlessly (as I recall, the run-out at the end of the 12" was cut so that the needle did not lift off the record at the end of the track. Oh what fun we had playing that one on local radio!)
I tell you three times. Yes, its very likely to be Death Rape. Although, why you'd put THAT on the end of the tape instead of Motorslug (rubber on tarmac on skin on bone), I'll never know. Entertainment through pain, I suppose.
well...you never know when you're gonna need a soundtrack to a 100mph suicide car dash so i guess i had to include it...and there wasn't much point putting it on at the start...
Another vote for Death Rape 2000, infuriating record that it is.............
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