15 July 2004

Wendy Carlos

Electronic musician Walter Carlos was born in 1939 in Rhode Island (USA). In 1969 he changed his sex becoming Wendy Carlos.

Wendy is one of the most influential figures in modern (electronic) music, practically inventing the idea that synthesisers might be of some entertainment value.

And she did the score for A Clockwork Orange, which makes her okay in my book.

Buy her music here...

A song by Momus Walter Carlos ( courtesy of Illegal Art )postulates a time-travelling Wendy going back to marry Walter...

Apparently Wendy sued, winning (obviously) and costing Momus $30,000 in legal bills.

The track was pulled from the album as it will be from here if Wendy takes offence but I think it's a tribute more than anything (flippant, yeah, but you only have to look up where Momus got his name from to get that)and a testament to the pioneering spirit of a woman who pushed the boundaries in all directions.

And let's face it, a lot of Momus' music has a direct link back to Wendy's synth-works so I find it hard to think he was being vicious in any way.

Still, if we do manage to invent time travel...


Psychbloke said...

What an interesting post - you sure you didn't make it up ?
(PS - What happened to the neurological disorders? - I kinda liked those)

Anonymous said...

poor Momus, i remember reading somewhere that he's one of the most-sued artists of all time! one of the best concept albums ever was the series he did where people paid him ("commissioned") a Momus song each... the results as expected by Momus, are hilariously beautiful. the kinda stuff that enriches life. i saw Momus a few years back and he puts on a good show, and has great taste in opening performers / friendly artists.

Anonymous said...

oh that previous post was me.
su | www.aumsupreme.com

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