Years ago I found an audio tape in a nasty, muddled, almost pitch-black second-hand bookshop in Swansea. It was professionally produced (or looked it) by someone called the Findhom Foundation and was part of a Lecture Series of sorts. I can't remember what attracted me to the little green tape, there was no cover and no description but for some reason it drew me in and I, well, I just took it...
Turned out to be pretty weird.
On the tape an elderly Scots guy is telling a story about meeting the Great God Pan at the bottom of his garden and having a conversation with him about the nature of the world, multiple realities, dimensionality etc - but the really weird thing is I got the distinct impression this was this guys story, his actual experience rather than a work of fiction... something about the way he was describing things and the way it was presented as a lecture made me think that this guy was simply describing events that had happened to him...
I can't remember the whole story - he goes on a bit - but I've recently found the tape again and I was listening to it while making the dinner tonight and there's definitely echoes of The Invisibles here, with Pan giving the guy insight into the world as it really is whilst simultaneously challenging his compliancy and the ease by which he's accepting these new unpeeling fabrics of reality.
I'l listen to the rest when I can be bothered but I'd like to know if anyone knows anything about the Findhom Foundation sine I can't seem to find much on the net...
Any ideas?
Maybe it's the Findhorn Foundation?
I found this on one page - you have to go through some registration to view it though.
Part One, Issue Two
Robert Ogilvie Crombie (ROC), community mentor, guide, and friend — ROC’s encounters with the nature kingdom are revealed in Conversations with Pan.
Any chance of getting this audio available in mp3? I have no idea whether that'd be hard or not...guess it would be.
thanks for the extra info Anon.... don't know when or if i'll ever be able to get it on mp3 since i haven't even managed that with my records yet but i'll keep trying...
It's definitely the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland, as mentioned in A Dinner With Andre (big veg, etc), &, um, well, sorry to break it to you, but also the place which imbued Mike Scott with a spiritual rebirth. I offer these comments without prejudice or judgement, BTW. Especially the one about Mike Scott. If I say "Mike Scott" three times round here, does sumthin baaaad happen....? (ah. too late. assume crash position.)
yeah well NTP: you saw the crescent, i saw the whole of the etc...
the bad Mike Scott based things have already happened here; people bursting into impromptu fisherman's shanties, men dangling mandolin strings and french caps over their shoulders while leaping in piles of rope and fish...
where i live the man is God and will always be
Mike Scott?
on a side note,
did you ever read "the white people" by Arthur Machen, that spooked the hell out of me.
I read it free online at project gutenberg.
I'd love to hear that tape of yours if you ever get it converted sounds very intrigueing
yeah i did read the white people... whilst on a footie tour of the Paris environs (itself strewn with horrors of a different kind)... one of the best stories of it's kind though it's been years...
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