07 March 2012

Thee Satisfaction

Bands with 'Thee' in the title will always suckle up to an old Psychick Youther like me, will always be worth a listen (or the more important second listen) and this is no exception.

(actually, most of the bands with 'Thee' in the title have been pretty awful; it's a pretty piss poor hit rate to be frank but...)

Enchantruss has the kind (which makes a spin, perhaps, on medieval magick and hospital corners) drunk-doop-dub backing vocals which can't help get you at least curious and the phrasing just keeps spilling, making what I suppose is notionally a Hip Hop / Psychedelic Soul hybrid into something a little more... off.

And QueenS has an insistent mantric lost groove that reminds me of being in Asian jungles, listening to German DJs fucking around with old soul records and trying to find the manic Tetsuo machine breath at their heart. QueenS might not be for you; it's not really a song from a genre I ever listen to but...

I dunno, there's just something...

Thee Satisfaction - Enchantruss

Thee Satisfaction - QueenS


Sam Davies said...

they are good, and there is something slightly baffling about them. see new edn of The Wire. their hooks aren't strictly *pop* but they're kinda... indelible. there's quite a steely confidence behind it all. Album is more of same but unfortunately very short. Check out their mixtapes at bandcamp - esp Sandra Bollocks Black Baby

Loki said...

gonna go and check out some of those mixes tonight... i like baffling... too much isn't baffling at all...

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