09 June 2011

Underground Railroad & Ghost Rider

my inbox is taking on the hue of an abandoned betting office, a stockbroking floor after dark...but I'm picking my way slowly, laboriously through all the digital promos that have backed up and just thought I'd just stuff a few bands down some throats...

These guys are moving towards something, I think. Not there yet, still in SonicYouthAwe maybe but I can see something happening... there's something, I dunno, around the eyes, that makes me think this band will keep getting better... Like I say, it's not there yet but...

Anyway, I'm on a temporary hiatus from abstract electroni-canings and dwelling instead on guitar rocks and cover versions of old Suicide songs (Fave so far: Gavin Friday and Dave Ball's turn on Ghost Rider, followed by everyone else's take on Ghost Rider; Ghost Rider seems to be one of those tracks that no one can fuck up)

Still, these guys:

I like the video, too. And I like the fact that it's relatively pure sounding, no greasy retro wipes (or different greasy retro wipes), no queasiness, no hipstamatic sound...

Same here... like a French take on the Sister era

I dunno... can't quite put my finger on it... Not even trying to, to be honest.

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