29 April 2010


Been listening to Autotistic, in amongst the mire - it's an intense listen, all on it's lonesome, frazzling, blessed and burdened (in all senses of both words) by echo, lots of echo, echoes of echo... a sustained Acid trailer in sound...

I'd play it in stages, I really would... it literally get on your nerves when you play 2 or 3 tracks together... I don't mean this as a bad thing.

It's a kind of spirit dub but not the one you're thinking of if you've heard that term before... a kind of dub where the guitar slews slip and slide against one another, where little frozen shapes of feedback are found and then thrown to the winds... there's a lot of air here but it's difficult to breathe, like hanging your head out of a fast moving car...

It works for me better as a sideways glance, slipping inbetween other things; sounds perfect between some crystalline techno, a sliding scale between the beats... my favourite tracks - Slum Plastics, Milky Moan - have an odd sense of rhythm that seems to exist behind the music...

Somewhere, in the middle of roaring air and ebb and flows and clusters there's a sample or something of a voice saying something like: 'Are You Okay?' and it's a perfect sample, a perfect expression of the psychedelic gouging that I'm sure is at the heart of this record...

I have just played 4 tracks straight though so I could well be imagining that voice.

Seriously, play this between things; you'll thank me for it.

There's a few mp3s here, if you'd like a little skoot...


N.E. said...

yeh i know what you mean...i haven't managed to play more than 4 tracks at a time...its so...harrowing!
on the other hand i can listen to kek's oneiric hardware thing all the way thru on repeat and its just total balm. its like the yin & yang of ISB...

Loki said...

And I thought it was just me! There's a whole new genre here, psychotically unbearable music. Though I hope that Cloudboy doesn't take offence because it's one of my favourite genres...

Cloudboy said...

no offence taken loki, it's my most intense piece of work, a personal exorcism... best dipped into gradually...

Cloudboy said...

particularly great while dragging yourself round slain-burys

Cloudboy said...

sorry you don't like it gutter, should've had one of those warning stickers or some'ut... my next one is shaping up to be really mellow in comparison...

N.E. said...

i didn't say i didn't like it! but as loki sez, its a challenging album and i personally can only take it in shorter doses..

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